Alright, it's not really a manger scene, and he's definitely not Jesus..... but I sure have caught a small glimpse of the love and joy that comes with this time of the year. As my newborn grandson, Samuel Paul, lies in my daughter's arms surrounded by his family, I can't help but think of the love that God had for His son when he sent him to earth those many years ago.....
Think of the love He must have for us, KNOWING that His only son was going to die a cruel death on our behalf, saving us from eternal damnation.
I trust as you scramble through the parties, Christmas programs and shopping this year, you are able to take some time to share with family and reflect on that ultimate gift. Jesus, born for us, died for us, and now waiting to greet us face to face.
Have an incredible Christmas season! I'm believing that 2012 will be the best year you've ever had! If I can help you in any way, please let me know.
God bless.