Saturday, October 22, 2011

Relatively Speaking.....

Everything truly IS relative, isn't it? If we will use that to our advantage, it can really impact our daily attitudes.
For example, when I have a "nippy" day in Florida this time of year (you know, like 60 degrees) all I have to do is call my dad in Iowa and hear about the frost they're having already.  All of the sudden I feel toasty warm and enjoy the day more.

Or what about the times you have to drive to work in the rain? The traffic is moving slowly and you seem to hit every red light.  How much better do you feel when you pass the guy that is changing a flat tire in that same weather?  Should I go on?

No matter what goes on during our day, week, month or year, I can promise you I can find somebody going through a worse time or situation -- which of course will make you feel a lot better about your circumstances...... Keep that in mind the next time your finances look in shambles, or the car breaks down, or you don't feel like you have any time to yourself, etc.....

One last thought to make my point --
Tomorrow go to the pharmacy and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson. Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. I've been told you will notice in small print that there is a statement: "Every rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson has been personally tested and then sanitized."

Now repeat after me, Thank God I don't work in the thermometer quality control department for Johnson & Johnson.

Glad we could be there for you. Let's look for the best in the day and I'm sure we'll find it.
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. :-) That was awesome guys just what I needed! My car is in the shop and the bill is pretty high;but I heard of other people with much a bigger repair bill than mine or people that don't even have a car. THANK GOD FOR THOSE INFRARED THERMOMETERS!
